FAQs | Parts and Accessories
- Will this part fit my model/is this part compatible with my model?
- How do I return a part or accessory and get a replacement?
- Is there a time limit on returning a part or accessory?
- Where should returned, damaged, or unneeded parts and accessories be shipped?
- I already have a RMA number - how do I complete my return?
- How do I cancel my part order?
- What is the status of my part return/credit?
- What is the warranty for parts and accessories?
- How do I order a replacement part for an appliance that is still under warranty?
- How do I order an out-of-stock part or accessory?
- How do I purchase parts and accessories in Canada?
- How do I purchase parts and accessories in Puerto Rico?
- Where do I find replacement parts, accessories and literature for small household appliances bought at Walmart?
- Where do I find replacement parts for my GE/Thomson brand electronics (TVs, VCRs, etc.)?
- Can I order parts and accessories via email if the part is not listed on the site?
- What are my shipping options?
- What is the delivery status for my parts order?
- How do I view a part list or parts diagram for my appliance?
- What do I do if the part I need is no longer available?
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